Intro Picture


JSON is widely used for communication between web based clients and backends. JSON is also frequently used as preferred format in messaging and streaming platforms such as Apache Kafka. It is human readable, self-described, easy to understand, and supported by all languages and development and integration tools.

Although JSON is ubiquitous format in the application development and integration world, it is less than ideal for high performance, high volume data analytics. The main reason is that anytime you run analytics against JSON data, the JSON documents have to be parsed, structures unnested and/or flattened, and data transformed to required types. And, being a descriptive, text format, JSON consumes much more storage than alternative formats.

To resolve this issue, many Data Lakes adopt a layering strategy. JSON data is ingested into a Landing Area where it is stored in the original format. From the Landing Area, JSON data is transformed into formats suitable for analytics, such as Parquet or ORC, and stored in a Data Pool Area. The transformations typically include unnesting of JSON records, flattening of JSON arrays, and transforming strings to target data types such as dates or timestamps.

OCI Data Integration is a managed service that can be used to develop and schedule ETL tasks such as ingesting data from sources; cleansing, transforming, and reshaping that data; and loading data to target data assets. Recently, OCI Data Integration added Flatten operator to its portfolio to simplify processing of JSON documents.

This post shows how you can use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Data Integration service to transform large and complex JSON documents to data format suitable for analytics.

Transformation Scenario

  • Source data lands in the Landing Area on OCI Object Storage, in the bucket landing-area. The name of files in the Landing Area follows the pattern invoices/*.jsonlines. The files are in JSON Lines format, i.e., single file contains many JSON documents separated by newlines.

  • Transformation is implemented in OCI Data Integration. There is a single Data Flow task flatten-task, which reads file from Landing Area, applies required transformations, and writes results into the Data Pool Area. In our scenario, the Data Flow task processes one file in a time.

  • The processed data are saved in the Data Pool Area on OCI Object Storage, in the bucket data-pool-area. The trasformation produces two entities from JSON documents, one entity stored in invoices/lines/*.jsonlines files, the second stored in in invoices/numbers/*.jsonlines files. The output files are in Parquet format.

The scenario is depicted on the diagram below:

Integration Scenario

Source Data

The source data are invoices such as may be produced by Telco operators. A single JSON document contains all the information from an invoice:

  • invoice_details - JSON object with invoice level attributes
  • invoice_lines - JSON array with amounts invoiced for individual services
  • payment_details - JSON object with payment attributes
  • phone_numbers - JSON array with phone numbers under the same customer account. Note that for every phone number there is a nested array with break-down of services the phone number consumed.

Example of the JSON document with artificially generated data is below.

  "invoice_details": {
    "invoice_number": "518493667924",
    "customer_number": "967587977",
    "invoice_date": "2022-08-12",
    "period_start_date": "2022-07-11",
    "period_end_date": "2022-08-11"
  "invoice_lines": [
    { "line_code": "Tariff", "line_amount": 5857.82 },
    { "line_code": "Data", "line_amount": 1381.02 },
    { "line_code": "Voice", "line_amount": 85.68 },
    { "line_code": "SMS", "line_amount": 1764.08 },
    { "line_code": "Other Fees", "line_amount": 1215.65 },
    { "line_code": "3rd Party Services", "line_amount": 1550.35 },
    { "line_code": "VAT Amount", "line_amount": 1973.77 },
    { "line_code": "Total Amount", "line_amount": 4570.85 }
  "payment_details": {
    "due_date": "2022-08-27",
    "bank_account_number": "72XCCQ8I4GD36EP4OJ6XOIT69DUMVZVVW8ODMJS",
    "bank_code": "Q8NVKDP0",
    "payment_amount": 4556.84,
    "payment_currency": "EUR"
  "phone_numbers": [
      "number_name": "Gfmrcr",
      "country_code": "6",
      "phone_number": "306688955",
      "phone_consumption": [
        { "line_code": "Tariff", "line_amount": 1284.35 },
        { "line_code": "Data", "line_amount": 1770.69 },
        { "line_code": "Voice", "line_amount": 3684.39 },
        { "line_code": "SMS", "line_amount": 443.42 },
        { "line_code": "Other Fees", "line_amount": 1184.42 },
        { "line_code": "3rd Party Services", "line_amount": 288.61 },
        { "line_code": "VAT Amount", "line_amount": 1434.2 },
        { "line_code": "Total Amount", "line_amount": 3693.26 }
      "number_name": "Oezmxswcx",
      "country_code": "423",
      "phone_number": "214026435",
      "phone_consumption": [
        { "line_code": "Tariff", "line_amount": 7685.44 },
        { "line_code": "Data", "line_amount": 2019.0 },
        { "line_code": "Voice", "line_amount": 1530.31 },
        { "line_code": "SMS", "line_amount": 248.29 },
        { "line_code": "Other Fees", "line_amount": 1805.55 },
        { "line_code": "3rd Party Services", "line_amount": 5109.0 },
        { "line_code": "VAT Amount", "line_amount": 1167.16 },
        { "line_code": "Total Amount", "line_amount": 8141.92 }

Required Transformation

The transformation should produce two entities:

  • Invoice Lines entity, with attributes from invoice_details and payment_details objects, and flattened invoice_lines array. For the JSON document above, this data set consist of 8 rows (number of elements in the array).

  • Phone Numbers entity, with attributes from invoice_details and payment_details objects, and flattened phone_numbers array and flattened phone_consumption sub-array. For the JSON document above, this data set will consist of 16 rows (number of elements in the sub-array).

Mapping for Invoice Lines entity is as follows:

Target Column Data Type Mapping from JSON
INVOICE_NUMBER VARCHAR(40) invoice_details.invoice_number
CUSTOMER_NUMBER VARCHAR(40) invoice_details.customer_number
INVOICE_DATE DATE invoice_details.invoice_date
INVOICE_PERIOD_START_DATE DATE invoice_details.period_start_date
INVOICE_PERIOD_END_DATE DATE invoice_details.period_end_date
PAYMENT_DUE_DATE DATE payment_details.due_date
PAYMENT_CURRENCY VARCHAR(10) payment_details.payment_currency
PAYMENT_AMOUNT DECIMAL(12,2) payment_details.payment_amount
INVOICE_LINE_CODE VARCHAR2(80) invoice_lines[].line_code
INVOICE_LINE_AMOUNT DECIMAL(12,2) invoice_lines[].line_amount

And mapping for Phone Numbers entity is as follows:

Target Column Data Type Mapping from JSON
INVOICE_NUMBER VARCHAR(40) invoice_details.invoice_number
CUSTOMER_NUMBER VARCHAR(40) invoice_details.customer_number
INVOICE_DATE DATE invoice_details.invoice_date
INVOICE_PERIOD_START_DATE DATE invoice_details.period_start_date
INVOICE_PERIOD_END_DATE DATE invoice_details.period_end_date
PAYMENT_DUE_DATE DATE payment_details.due_date
PAYMENT_CURRENCY VARCHAR(10) payment_details.payment_currency
PAYMENT_AMOUNT DECIMAL(12,2) payment_details.payment_amount
PHONE_NUMBER_NAME VARCHAR(80) phone_numbers[].number_name
PHONE_NUMBER_COUNTRY_CODE VARCHAR(10) phone_numbers[].country_code
PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR(40) phone_numbers[].phone_number
PHONE_LINE_CODE VARCHAR(40) phone_numbers[].phone_consumption[].line_code
PHONE_LINE_AMOUNT DECIMAL(12,2) phone_numbers[].phone_consumption[].line_amount

Transformation Walk-Through

Data Flow

The transformation is implemented as Data Flow flatten. It reads a single source but produces two outputs. One output contains Invoice Lines (corresponding to the JSON node invoice_lines), the other output contains Phone Numbers (corresponding to the JSON node phone_numbers).

Data Flow

The first flow consists of these steps:

  • SOURCE - Data source is JSON file in Object Storage.
  • EXP_TOP - Expression operator is required to extract attributes from top level JSON object.
  • FLT_LINES - Flatten operator transforms JSON array from node invoice_lines to rows.
  • EXP_LINES - Expression is used to transform the columns to required data types.
  • SAVE_LINES - Writes target asset as Parquet file in Object Storage.

The second flow is similar to the first one, but it needs two Flatten operators - one for the node phone_numbers, the second for the nested node phone_consumption.

  • SOURCE - Data source is JSON file in Object Storage.
  • EXP_TOP - Expression operator is required to extract attributes from top level JSON object.
  • FLT_NUMS - Flatten operator transforms JSON array from node phone_numbers to rows.
  • EXP_NUMS - Expression is used to transform the columns to required data types.
  • FLT_N_LINES - Flatten operator transforms JSON array from node phone_consumption to rows.
  • EXP_N_LINES - Expression is used to transform the columns to required data types.
  • SAVE_LINES - Writes target asset as Parquet file in Object Storage.


The Data Flow is parameterized, so that it can be run with any JSON file that arrives in the Landing Area.

Design Parameters

  • INPUT_BUCKET - Object Storage bucket containing the source file.
  • INPUT_OBJECT_NAME - Name of the source JSON file (including the prefix).
  • OUTPUT_BUCKET - Object Storage bucket where the target files will be written.
  • OUTPUT_OBJECT_NAME_LINES - Name of the target file with invoice_lines (including the prefix).
  • OUTPUT_OBJECT_NAME_NUMBERS - Name of the target file with phone_numbers (including the prefix).

Data Source

The Source operator SOURCE maps Object Storage asset, using parameters for Bucket and Data entity (i.e., object name). It also specifies the source type as JSON Lines, though this is not visible on the picture.

Data Source

Mapping of Attributes from JSON Objects

Top level attributes from JSON objects (not arrays) are selected with Expression operator EXP_TOP. JSON attributes are mapped using a simple dot notation. Note we can select attributes from multiple JSON objects (e.g., invoice_details and payment_details) in a single operator. Attributes are also converted to required data types. This includes specifying length of string atributes, precision of numerical attributes, and conversion of date and timestamp attributes.

Mapping of Attributes

Flattening of JSON Arrays

JSON arrays have to transformed into rows using the Flatten operator FLT_LINES. In the Flatten operator, it is necessary to specify the node from which the flattening happens (in our case node invoice_lines), and the operator transforms the array for this node into rows. The Flatten operator does not support mapping of data types for output attributes; for this we need another Expression operator EXP_LINES.

Flattening of JSON Arrays

Data Target

The last step is writing the output file via Target operator SAVE_LINES. The target data asset is Object Storage, with parameters specifying Bucket and Data entity. The target format is Parquet with Snappy compression (not shown on the picture). I have also specified that the output should be created as a single file. This is slower than creating multiple files, but perfectly acceptable for my scenario.

Data Target

Running Transformation

Runtime Parameters

When running the transformation task flatten-task, we have an option to override the default values of task parameters.

In our case, I specified both input and output file names. The input file invoices/2022-09-10-documents.jsonlines consists of 100000 JSON documents, with the total size of 377 MB (377278881 bytes, to be precise), with 3772 bytes per JSON document on average.

Runtime Parameters

Runtime Results

And finally, when the transformation task is completed, we can check the results. As you can see, the task required about 2 minutes, writing 4399768 rows (splitted between the two targets) and processing 2.42 GB of data.

Runtime Results

We can verify the structure of generated files for example by loading the files into Pandas dataframe.

>>> import pandas
>>> df = pandas.read_parquet('invoices/lines/2022-09-10-documents.parquet')
>>> df
0        448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        4414.06              Tariff             1974.54
1        448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        4414.06                Data             5203.04
2        448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        4414.06               Voice             2997.73
3        448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        4414.06                 SMS               72.98
4        448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        4414.06          Other Fees             1997.31
...               ...             ...          ...                       ...  ...              ...            ...                 ...                 ...
799995   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        6215.25                 SMS             1674.42
799996   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        6215.25          Other Fees             1309.07
799997   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        6215.25  3rd Party Services             4261.38
799998   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        6215.25          VAT Amount             1726.00
799999   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...              EUR        6215.25        Total Amount             8642.42

[800000 rows x 10 columns]
>>> df = pandas.read_parquet('invoices/numbers/2022-09-10-documents.parquet')
>>> df
0         448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         2    079861078              Tariff           6158.09
1         448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         2    079861078                Data           2127.76
2         448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         2    079861078               Voice            703.96
3         448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         2    079861078                 SMS           1159.15
4         448031334588       948010335   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         2    079861078          Other Fees            140.69
...                ...             ...          ...                       ...  ...                       ...          ...                 ...               ...
3599763   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         0    733778861                 SMS           1369.35
3599764   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         0    733778861          Other Fees            924.14
3599765   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         0    733778861  3rd Party Services           5353.98
3599766   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         0    733778861          VAT Amount            881.20
3599767   505213149067       403966656   2022-09-10                2022-08-09  ...                         0    733778861        Total Amount           5995.91

[3599768 rows x 13 columns]

Final Notes

As you have seen OCI Data Integration is a great service for transforming complex JSON documents in Object Storage into flattened, normalized files in Parquet or ORC format. The transformation explained in this post can be easily included into an automated data processing pipeline and used in production processing of raw JSON files in a Data Lake.

In the post I have shown unnesting and projection of attributes from JSON objects and JSON arrays into flat structure, using Flatten and Expression operators. I could easily use other operators for more complex transformations, e.g., enriching the data set by joining reference data, aggregating metrics, or pivoting results. Also, the target could be database table instead of file in Object Storage.

Currently, the support for nested JSON documents is limited to source files in an Object Storage. JSON documents stored in a database such as Oracle Autonomous JSON Database are not supported. I hope this limitation will be removed in the future and the JSON processing will be applicable to all kind of data assets supported by OCI Data Integration.
